First attempt to control eggbot from Flash: halftone pictures

This weekend, I was able to get Flash talking to the EiBotBoard of my Egg Bot via Tinkerproxy 2.0. Fun stuff.

The trickiest part was finding the right file within /dev to point Tinkerproxy at. The EiBotBoard shows up as /dev/cu.usbmodemNNN which is quite different from the way an Arduino board shows up.

With the proxy in place, I set up a Flash file to load images, transform them into halftone dot patterns and then plot them onto eggs. Plotting is done with 3 different commands, one to raise and lower the pen, one to turn the egg (xaxis) and the last to move the pen (yaxis).

First attempt to control eggbot from Flash: halftone picturesFirst attempt to control eggbot from Flash: halftone pictures 2

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